Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Stranger thinks have happened...

On Christmas Eve, my Granddad, with beaming pride, showed me the only pictures he's taken with his new digiital camera...a fox on his neighbor's roof. Their quality was a bit lacking; to tell the truth, I probably would have made a complete fool of myself, saying something like "Aww, what a cute cat," if he hadn't prepped me. But he was just so proud and proceded to explain how he came to capture such profound images.

You might be wondering as I was how a fox a) gets into a pretty dense neighborhood and b) climbs onto roofs. When I asked about the 'foxes on roofs' bit, my Granddad explained that he hears footsteps on his roof during the night on a regular basis. Due to his exposure to so many different roof-prancing animals, he's become aware of the distinctive qualities each animal exhibits. A few weeks ago, he noted that the shuffling on the roof resembled the steps of neither a cat nor a squirrel. He made a mental note of this and continued about his busy business of cotton farming. One morning while watering plants in his bathroom window, he glanced up and there he was, the clever fox, on his neighbor's roof. He put two and two together and hypothesised that the clever fox used the power lines to traverse the great divide of his roof and theirs, but he's a bit confused how the fox was allowed in the neighborhood.

Aside from the unusual nature of the story, I assume that this scenario is a familiar one between grandchildren and their grandparents: Grandparents, with pleasure and pride, showing their ability to integrate new technology with amusing stories, and grandchildren, with patience and perhaps pity, endulging them. I was more than happy to endulge my Granddad, and this anecdote will become a memory that will help me to know just a bit more about my Granddad.

I don't really know my Granddad, and he doesn't really know me. In fact, I'd wager that we interacted more during the 3 days at my aunt's house over Christmas than we have in the last decade. Our time together and particularly the interaction I've described above solidifies a bit of regret on both parties that we are strangers. However, the gestures of sharing his story and pictures were his effort to bridge the divide, to alleviate the isolation, and create a space for relationship to grow. Although it wasn't clear to me then, I've come to understand that we do this everytime we attempt to tell an interesting and clever story to anyone we don't really know. They're the premeditated, pre-intimacy stories, the risky stories that hope for peace and friendship, and consequently leave us vulnerable to someone thinking that we are neither interesting nor clever. These stories are subtle invitations into the cuckiness of our lives.

In someways it can be frustrating that this is one of our vehicles to being known (especially if we consider ourselves to be poor storytellers, not clever, funny or interesting), but yet it is hopeful because it really isn't all that much. If strangers that have known each other for nearly 24 years can experience the hope of a new beginning from a fox on a roof, then I believe there's hope for all of us. Peace and love are perhaps just a risk away.


Last night around dusk, almost immediately after writing this post, I went for a walk and saw a fox wondering the streets of my neighborhood! I live in an even more densely populated area than my Granddad. (I literally live within 3 miles of downtown Fort Worth!) At first I thought it surely must be a large mutant cat, but two other walkers squashed my skepticism when they shouted from the other sidewalk, "Did you see the fox?" I responded, "So it WAS a fox?" and with beaming pride that resembled that of my Granddad, they walked on saying, "Ya, how bizarre!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do hope you get to know your granddad better. Here are a few things that I have appreciated learning about your granddad in the last few years.

One of the ladies at the nursing home where I worked knew your granddad. We had been talking about the small town where she was from and that your mom was from there. I was surprised to learn that she knew your granddad and greatgrandmother. She spoke about what nice people they were. How your granddad worked hard and helped your greatgrandmother. She thought he was just one of the best young men.

Your mom showed me pictures one day of your aunt, uncle and grandmother. I was really surprised what a responsibility your dad took on at such a young age when he married your grandmother. It is the thing that has impressed me most about him. I can't imagine a kinder heart than a young man taking on a ready made family at such a young age.

When your cousin was preparing to get married he gave your aunt grief telling her, with a gleam in his eyes, that he was not going to wear a suit to the wedding. She seemed to believe him too getting very stressed out. I hadn't ever seen your granddad joke around like that. Why she would think he wouldn't wear a suit to your cousin's wedding was beyond me. He's always been most prim and proper at all family functions. He was really getting a kick out of her response.

Your dad was telling me about the night your granddad called around 11:30 at night to ask to be picked up as he was having car troubles. Was I surprised that your granddad was at a blue grass concert!!! Mr. busy cotton farmer. (you know the rest of that story.)

And to top it off, I about fell out of my chair when your dad told me he had just bought a new Volkswagen!! Hmmmmm wonder who might have influenced his decision on that? (you and your dad no doubt, not to mention frugality) :)

Last but not least your granddad was so sweet at Cassie's graduation. He asked me when will we see each other again since everyone had now graduated. We agreed at the weddings. He was indeed a very proud granddad that day!!

9:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops that was supposed to be an L

9:33 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I had a similar experience trying to get my grandmother's computer to work. I spent most of the time removing adware and spyware that she had unknowingly downloaded onto her computer.

I spent today sharing my story with a friend, and realized how few people know my story let alone my smaller stories that make up the big story.

Hmmm...being brave, making the jump, and entering relationship through our stories. Scary stuff.

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thank you, thank you. You know how proud I am of Izzi and Anakin, and, God only knows, I miss them terribly. Well, I'm going to begin writing them once a month. Not emailing them, actually writing them letters, and you are the impetus for this.

I love your "Thoughts Along the Way." Don't stop.

Much love,
Pat (a/k/a "Pa" to Izzi and Anakin)

1:09 PM  
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