Friday, September 09, 2005

the newest existential crisis...

I'm not too good at this blog thing yet, mostly because I have a ridiculously discriminating filter on what I deem appropriate for my viewing public of two to read. I don't want to bore you with things like I scored a goal at my soccer game last night (penalty kick goal, my expertise!) and immediately following the game a gnat flew in my eye, which felt like some one poured jalepeno seeds in my eye (luckily my team is composed of future or current physicians, so, no worries, I was taken care of and can almost see clearly again). Concurrently, I don't feel like scaring you away with the burdens of my soul. But, like I said, there are only 2 of you, so here goes with the heavy stuff...

My experiences so far in medical school have added up to a different breed of lifestyle than anything I've ever experienced. There is very little time spent between the extremes of the everyday task (laundy, cooking, etc) and soaking up the knowledge of the microscopic biological facits of the human condition. I dislike this quality of my new reality.

I've always been the heady and serious type, thus, medical school is a perfect fit in many ways. However, I've never had the consciousness of the two types of intellect with which I'm currently wrestling: the intellect with its origin in books and the other with its origin in life. Before now, I feel like I've experienced both, but it was generally either one or the other, never both. During undergrad, my reality, schedule, and thoughts on life revolved around books, while learning from life was something I had simply read about. Life at Nehemiah House opened my eyes to a whole new intellectual currency called community. While the paid-work during my time at Nehemiah House didn't challenge my brain, dealing with my housemates and the stuggles of our neighborhood excavated more truth than 10 or so years of book knowledge. That said, I feel like medical school is a fence, and currently I feel like I'm straddling the fence of individualistic institutional learning and community life, and my soul is being chafed.

Maybe someday, medical school will provide a bridge: a bridge between individualistic institutional learning and community life. I think that bridge will be called my medical career. The present chafing, I feel, is a result of having seen a glimpse of what is possible when people live together in search of wholeness and health, both in their spiritual lives and in their fleshly, biological lives. I'm finding it diffucult to depart from this way of life, even though I'm going out in hopes of gaining skills that will amplify the possibilities of a community's health.

I pray for patience and courage during this isolated portion of the journey.
I pray for partners in the pursuit of balance and wholeness.
I pray for peace in the knowledge that our God is the giver of freedom, love, truth, and hope, and that in Jesus, all things hold together.


Blogger Unknown said...

Well, I don't know if I am one of the two, but I am leaving you a comment. (by the way, I'm currently in the same time zone as you! that only happens once in a blue moon!)

Currently for me, I am in the opposite place that you are in. God continues to sharpen me against the life lessons that come in community, but recently I find myself missing the books. My prayers are to eventually make it to grad school, but only He knows when that time comes.

In the mean time, I'll encourage you in this: No matter where we are in life, Jesus gave us one call--to make disciples. Nothing else matters beyond that! It's just about knowing and loving Him and then teaching other folks to know and love Him. I believe that you can do that even in the book world. You are a disciple-maker just in the way that you choose to live your life!

Blessings to you my friend!

6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Living in isolation is a choice. Feeling like you are walking on the fence is a choice. Be a part of the community of life where you are. As days go by you are building your community the one where you love, live, work and contribute. Contribute what you can. It’s the same as being happy when …. I get a house, I win the lottery, I get a better job. If you wait you’ll never get there.

Simple real ways to be a part today:
1. Light a candle this week in rememberance of those that were lost on 9/11 and their families.

2. Save this weeks soda, snack, movie or other discretionary money and donate it to the American Red Cross for those that are in the thick of life and have lost their community.

3. Send a card to someone under the weather and would smile a little from hearing from you.

8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amber -

Thank you for the beautiful words of your prayer. I know you well enough to know that now that you have had the taste of a community, and how it feels to make that community work, you will not be in this state for long. You are right that this is a bridge - and one we must all cross.

I am on sabbatical this year, and after 10 years of having my life revolve around my intelligent, funny, and sometimes infuriating students, my life this year is about books and computers and thinking while having moved to a new place. I am looking for ways to make a community, too. I struggle with this everyday. I pray that this search helps me understand myself better, and helps me be a more effective member of the community I find.

12:54 PM  
Blogger Amber said...


Thanks for your encouragement and the affirmation that its tough to start new things in new places.

One thing that i will always remember and love about Wheaton is a place where I was lucky enough to call my professors 'friend.' I'm finding that is a rare thing in large educational institution, and that I really miss those relationships! I can imagine that stepping away from that type of environment as a professor is also difficult. Ultimately, there is just something beautiful about the student-teacher relationship that organically extends beyond the curriculum. Thanks for teaching me that!

11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Late at night in the office, and I finally remembered to check out your blog! Great to have it there, even if it must be hard for you to get around to writing. Loved the soccer news, and glad that you can see again. Very very interested in the movie about the impass created between pharmaceutical companies, and physicians who still want to know about the useful-drug developements. I'd love to get the film for students here as well.
I haven't the energy to write much of substance, except that I think of you often as you walk through that first difficult year. You sound fine, you sound like the thoughtful Amber I know.
All is well back here... 49 students in Organic keeping me busy. New Orleans is in our minds all the time; what to make of the incompleteness and the filtering of news?
I'll write again, especially when my own thoughts can be better focused. Hugs though for now. Is it better to write here or just an email note? Elita

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have nothing to say, but you amaze me! You are so smart. You work so hard. Your faith is so strong. You are an encouragement to me. I have been graced to know you along this journey of life.

6:57 PM  
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5:18 PM  

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