Monday, August 22, 2005

a Luddite concedes...

If you've kept up with the events my life over the last 5 years, then you are either someone who changed my diapers as a child, or you are the friend that took the initiative to keep communication lines open. I confess, with a bit of shame, that I stink at long distance communication. And, I believe, this has more do with my loathing of the telephone than anything else. It requires that the participants simultaneously be avaliable, usually accomplished by labor-intensive planning or dumb luck, and it is void of the communication nuances of body language and facial expression. That said, in order to overcome the former complaint since overcoming the latter is a bit expensive and time consuming (ie, travelling to the locale of the other participant), I am starting a blog!! My next lecture on the "Urea Cycle and Ammonia Catabolism" (which is basically the process of our bodies getting rid of anything we don't need that we get from our diet, for example ammonia resulting from the break down of proteins) starts in 5 minutes, so this will conclude my first entry; however, I do plan to post regularly (at least twice a week) and look forward to your comments.