Saturday, October 25, 2008

signs and wonders

while studing intently for our end-of-rotation exam this week, barrett returns from a short break and we have the following short conversation, whose subject i found amusing enough to share:

b: have you been to the bathroom lately?

a: what?

b: the bathroom. on the first floor.

a: ya, sure.

b: is there a sharps container on the wall?

a: what?

b: a sharps container, like for needles.

a: what's a sharps container doing in the library bathroom?

b: i don't know. maybe the powers at be are making it a safer place to shoot up?

a: maybe the new students are so advanced that they're operating in the cubicles?

b: hmmmm.

silence and some studying:

a: have you been to the gym bathroom lately?

b: not really.

a: well the women's locker room has signs up that say "please don't leave your 'personal items' on the bench." i'm confused by what quote-personal-items-end-quote means. is it anything that belongs to me personally or just dirty socks and undies?

b: i have no idea. maybe they mean your used needles. you wait, a sharps box will appear soon.

a: maybe.

the end.


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